Fauna of Uzbekistan

                                                       Fauna of Uzbekistan

 Nature in Uzbekistan can be noted for its truly rich colorful pattern. There are lots of mountains, deserts, rivers and steppes. Fauna has its own beautiful and unique sides as flora in Uzbekistan.
First of all the richness of fauna depends on geographical location of republic. You can meet different and unique representatives of fauna in each region of Uzbekistan.  Among them are: mammals(wolf, big-eared hedgehog, vixen, hare - toloy, tortoise, djeyran, saygak, wild boar, etc), reptiles (heccons, agama, sand boa, arrow-snake, Central Asian cobra,etc), birds (pretty bustard, dun goatsucker, jay, shrike, mountain finch, bunting, lentil, black griffon, etc), insects, etc.

  The particular geographical position of Uzbekistan at a junction of several biogeography provinces within Central Asia has determined the significant richness of its animal world. At the same time, the biodiversity of Uzbekistan reflects the exceptional diversity of natural conditions. Vast plains occupied by different types of deserts, mountain grass-lands (steppes), forests and alpine meadows, gallery poplar forests along riverbeds, wetlands and water-reservoirs, and oases represent typical ecosystems with unique faunal complexes.
Red Book
The main aim of “Red Book” is to capture people and public authorities’ attention to problems of nature protection. But unfortunately at least of years the book has become bigger, what testify about sad and negative attitude to nature. The representatives of fauna and flora get hope of survival, enlist the support and protection, and become the object of attitude from the direction of state and environmental authorities.
Over the past decade as a result of human activity and its careless attitude to the flora and fauna, many animals were on the brink of extinction. I would like to share you some information about that poor animals in the book.
                                                 Turkestan Lynx

Big cats are tempting prey for hunters, leading to almost complete their disappearance. Action taken: the prohibition of hunting, the introduction in the red books, etc. prevent loss of Turkestan lynxes from "extinction", but from poachers do not save. These predators do not attack on a human. Turkestan Lynx listed in Appendix II of the Convention on international trade in endangered species of wild fauna and Flora (CITES), and production of them alive is strictly limited.

                                               Snow Leopard

Many animals are highly sought after as an object of sport hunting and revealing look at zoos. The number of the Snow Leopard as a result of persecution became low and these graceful animals are on the brink of extinction. Range size of the snow leopard in Uzbekistan about 10 thousand kV. Km., that is not more than 0.5% of the global range.

                                              White-headed vulture

This bird is a large predator-glider almost the same size as the fretboard. You can meet in dry open landscapes from Plains to mountains, if the terrain is suitable for nesting. It nests on precipices, high hills. They rise in the mountains to a height of 3300 m. above sea level. 

                                                           Stone marten

People hunt stone marten because of her warm fur. Sometimes the stone martens attack domestic hens and rabbits and they usually kill a lot of animals than they can eat. The stone martens drag different products from sheds and attics. They gnaw through cables and hoses in cars thereby harm to facilities. But at the same time they can be of benefit to decrease the number of rodents. The stone martens have immunity for sting of bees and wasps, so they sometimes walk to apiaries and regale with on honey.


The main component in business of preservation nature is human. Every of us can be respectful and careful to living nature, teach our children to treat toward each small representative of animal or plant world. Thousands of years of evolution and cultural and historic traditions of many generations of indigenous peoples have bequeathed it to us. So we all share the responsibility for passing this heritage to our descendants as a diverse and sustainable system.


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